Does your Website have the Three R’s?

website analysis In today’s blog we will be discussing the proper way to build your business website and make sure your website is featured high in search results. It is imperative and vital to the success of your business to have a properly built website in today’s rapidly evolving technological world.
Does your website have recurring visitors? Is it featured high in search results? The dynamics of a website’s construction are extremely vital to its success and your business’s success. With an increased rate of recurring visitors your site will have a better Reputation. This will feature your website higher in search results, hence making your business more popular. Reputation makes all the difference on the internet. Retention is another important concept of internet marketing that your website should possess. Studies show that engaged clients will bring in 1.7 times more customer revenue than the average customer. This means that if your customers are recurring visitors then your website has the potential to bring in higher revenue for your business. Are you having problems obtaining a high retention rate and a good reputation? Then you need a website of renascency!
            Of course now you’re wondering what it means to have a renascent website so, I’ll tell you! A renascent website is one that has all the major components needed to make your business more successful. In today’s day and age one of the most important aspects of your business is your website. Your website is essentially the front door to your business. This front door can be opened right on the website instead of the business site, which is the first step to acquiring customers or clients. I’m sure you all have heard of the Three R’s of Reading, wRiting, and aRithmatic. Well, I have introduced you to the Three R’s of having a successful website. Reputation, Retention, and Renascency! A quality website means a quality business.

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