
Showing posts from February, 2013

Password Strength - How Secure is Your Password

Today we will be talking about the importance of password strength. Studies show that changing a password every 3 months is good for internal protection in the office. In today’s world you need a strong password because even an amateur hacker can get into your email, documents, and other personal information. Most individuals use the same weak password for their email, banking, personal computer, work computer, and social networking. This makes it easy for hackers to attack. The first thing they may attack is your social networking account, I.E. Facebook or twitter. These websites have lighter security set up than a bank or your work office would. Once the hacker figures out the password to your Facebook or Twitter account they will be able to obtain all of your information by hacking into your bank account or your personal computer. This is where your life will get difficult because it is often hard to recover from identity theft. The key to picking a strong password is to use 1