
Showing posts from November, 2012

Fax to Email, the Future of Document Sending

In this edition of the MJJT Consultants IT blog we are going to discuss a better way to send documents over the wire. Fax to email is a new technology that enables you to link your business fax number to an email address and then converts all faxes to a PDF file. This in turn will create a more efficient work environment. Email is faster and more direct method of document transfer than faxing. Using fax to email will also make for a greener environment. Some faxes simply do not need to be printed. It is very often that offices will get a “junk fax”. It’s just like junk mail or junk email they either get deleted or thrown away. In this case the fax would get thrown away and waste paper. Your business can save money on inventory by not wasting paper but most of all you will save money by not purchasing a fax machine. Fax to email is the way of the future and makes fax machines obsolete. Interested in making your business more efficient and saving money? MJJT Consultants can help yo

Does your Website have the Three R’s?

In today’s blog we will be discussing the proper way to build your business website and make sure your website is featured high in search results. It is imperative and vital to the success of your business to have a properly built website in today’s rapidly evolving technological world. Does your website have recurring visitors? Is it featured high in search results? The dynamics of a website’s construction are extremely vital to its success and your business’s success. With an increased rate of recurring visitors your site will have a better Reputation. This will feature your website higher in search results, hence making your business more popular. Reputation makes all the difference on the internet. Retention is another important concept of internet marketing that your website should possess. Studies show that engaged clients will bring in 1.7 times more customer revenue than the average customer. This means that if your customers are recurring visitors then your website has th